person handing car keys

Automotive Car Retailer Implemented Solutions

One of the largest automotive retailers in the United States has over 148 stores and sells over 200,000 cars a year. Inevitably coupled with such a high sales volume is massive amounts of paperwork. Each car sold is accompanied by a sales deal jacket containing six sections with over 50 types of documents. Previously, they were scanning these documents into their SharePoint Enterprise Content Management system and using cover sheets to separate each section of the sales deal jacket.

Adding cover sheets meant that they had to deal with managing an extra 1.2 million documents. Additionally, sales deal jackets needed to be approved by management before being sent to the ECM.

This automotive retailer urgently needed a solution to automate the document approval and storage process that required little user intervention.

FabSoft introduced a powerful solution that would alleviate all of its document issues. The automotive retailer implemented Modular Object Scanning Technology (MFDConnect) to simplify archival to their ECM system. MFDConnect integrates with any MFP so that documents can be scanned and routed to different devices directly from the MFP screen. MFDConnect also interfaces with their ADP system and makes the information stored in this database available on the MFP screen. When an employee receives a new sales deal jacket, they simply walk up to the MFP and query the ADP system directly. They can search by customer name, VIN, phone number, and more to find and select the correct deal jacket.

Along with MFDConnect, FabSoft introduced Document Authority Control (DAC), a web interface that enables employees to view, edit, or approve documents based on a hierarchy management system. Since there are six sections to a sales deal jacket, an employee would select the section type from a drop-down list at the MFP screen and scan it. DAC informs the appropriate sales manager that there is a document that needs to be reviewed. The sales manager will then review the deal jacket section, make any necessary changes, and approve it for the next person in the hierarchy to review.

DAC will automatically archive the deal jacket to the SharePoint ECM system if approved. Archived deal jackets include 30 different indexes according to the deal and section type that the employee previously selected with MFDConnect. This way, if a document is needed in the future for reference, auditing, or legal purposes, searches can be performed using these indexes for quick retrieval.

FabSoft’s MFDConnect and DAC solution has improved the automotive retailer’s document workflow with an efficient, automated workflow. Now, documents can be managed on-demand and from the MFP screen. Additionally, documents are routed for approval and intelligently archived in the ECM system without any involvement from the user.