plane in clouds

Document Capture for the Aerospace Industry

Headquartered in Miramar, Florida, with offices worldwide, United Aerospace Corporation (UAC) is involved in all areas of aviation servicing. It services some of the largest shipping companies and has an exclusive service contract with FedEx. UAC’s main challenge was coordinating its internal system with specific customer demands. UAC used the JD Edwards World ERP system, running on an AS/400 mainframe.

Some of UAC’s customers requested as many as 8 copies of a document, but only one copy needed to be stored in ECM. The information and indexes had to be perfect to retrieve the critical information easily from any browser. An aircraft can be serviced from any location around the world, so the service history documents had to be readily available and easy to follow and understand.

Solutions Implemented By The United Aerospace Corporation

To solve these issues, United Aerospace Corporation implemented FabSoft’s SysConnect and built-in Archive connector. SysConnect made a seamless connection between UAC’s JD Edwards system, Archive, and networked printers. The solution was also able to enhance the look of UAC’s documents, replacing its existing pre-printed forms.

SysConnect’s Archive connector can do the following:

  • Auto sense different document numbers to make individual transactions in folders
  • Allow users to define important searchable fields (i.e., invoice #) for easy retrieval
  • Allow users to custom build Summary and Notes in folders using document information
  • Create a searchable and locked PDF file with perfect 100% clarity
  • Define folders

UAC’s system administrator stated, “We have been trying for over one year to seamlessly connect our systems together and SysConnect did it in less than an hour.” “SysConnect gave us all the flexibility we needed to manage and store our critical information without advanced training or high installation costs.”